My dad swung by the other night. Fortunately I was doing some work outside the house, not sitting on the patio slamming beers. My wife was inside. It was a very domestic, tranquil evening, the complete opposite of the following evening.
The green Ranger I first learned stick on pulled up, my dad jumped out, and told a story that you would only be told in small town America, or small city Pittsburgh - he was about to leave costco when he noticed a young couple struggling to fit flooring into their Toyota Yaris. (tiny) The hatch wouldn't shut, and the driver couldn't put the seat back. It was a cluster and probably could have wound up on the internet as one of those 'oh shit' photos.
After some chuckles, my dad approached the couple and offered to help. He loaded the truck up, and followed them up the southside slopes (getting to the slopes means traveling up roads as steep as the hills of san francisco). Upon arriving at their home, he asked 'did either of you think to get my license?' Of course they hadn't. They shared a laugh, and offered money, but we all know that money is no good as long as we all keep performing random acts of kindness.